Σταθόπουλος Γιώργος
"Woman with flute"
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![Σταθόπουλος Γιώργος](https://www.omicrongallery.com/storage/infocube_image_cache/240x350/brands//statho.webp?ext=jpg&v=06062024014247111111111111)
Σταθόπουλος Γιώργος
19 Έργα
George Stathopoulos was born on April 16, 1944 in Kallithea, Agrinio. He studied at the School of Fine Arts.
He has taken part in many personal and solo exhibitions. He has crafted silkscreens, album covers, art posters, illustrated books, theater sets, useful objects. He has also carved more than 300 works on copper and linoleum.